Accueillez le monstre qui sommeille en vous dans ce roman visuel dark fantasy avec des romances inclusives. Liez-vous d'amitié avec de charmants alliés, défiez des rivaux acharnés, tombez amoureux. Vos choix sauveront ou condamneront les mortels, façonnant le destin d'une ville aussi belle que cr...
Open your eyes as the Envoy.
Spend your first night at The Refrain.
Offer to watch the Everlasting Prime with Sylas.
Invite Alpheon to watch the Everlasting Prime with you.
Promise to watch the Everlasting Prime with Malec.
Express your wish to watch the Everlasting Prime with Marané.
Express your wish to watch the Everlasting Prime with Ascanio.
Become one half of a whole.
You are whole and complete by yourself.
Reach your happily ever after with Ascanio.
Things didn't work out with your beloved.
Reach the end of the game. Thank you for playing!