Redonnez des couleurs à votre cerveau avec l'entraînement cérébral du Professeur Rubik
Complete your first day of training
Complete 7 days of training
Complete 30 days of training
Reach the A rank in one mini game
Respond under 0.2s and be correct
Take the evaluation test for the first time
Unlock 25% of brain potential
Unlock 45% of brain potential
Unlock 70% of brain potential
Unlock 90% of brain potential
Get a 2048 for the first time
Score 300 or more in Match 4
Reach the S rank in one mini game
Be right on all the exploding cube position in Training or Evaluation.
Be right on all the rolling Rubik rotation.
Take the evaluation test 5 times
Take the evaluation test 30 times
Take the evaluation test 100 times
Complete 7 days of training in a row
Complete Racing Cubie with an A
Be right after letting the timer go for 60 seconds