Lone Ruin est un jeu de tir twin-stick roguelike basé sur les sorts et mettant l'accent sur la rejouabilité. Incarnez un explorateur en quête d'un mystérieux pouvoir millénaire et aventurez-vous dans les ruines d'une ancienne cité.
Killed the first boss on Medium Difficulty
Killed the first boss on Hard Difficulty
Killed the second boss on Medium Difficulty
Killed the second boss on Hard Difficulty
Killed the third boss on Medium Difficulty
Killed the third boss on Hard Difficulty
Won survival mode on Medium Difficulty
Won survival mode on Hard Difficulty
Infected Gardens
Ghoul Grave
Goop Temple
Beat The Gardener
Beat The Three Shades
Beat The Mana Drinker
Unlocked Cloak of Learning
Unlocked Cloak of Bleeding
Unlocked Cloak of Choice
Unlocked Cloak of Swiftness
Unlocked Cloak of The Swarm
Unlocked Cloak of The Everchanging