Les wisps existent depuis toujours. Ce sont des créatures venues d’un autre monde, dont le comportement et le but sont méconnus de la plupart des gens. C’est là qu’interviennent les Wispers, dont le rôle est de comprendre et de gérer ces wisps.
Start your journey as an Aspiring Wisper.
Complete your first challenge in the caves.
Climb the lighthouse and watch the migration.
Help the Temple get more visitors.
Something is lurking on the train’s wagon…
Help the villager with one last wish.
Get to cooking.
Help a boy who wants to be just like you.
Find a way to help the people with their crops.
Find a wisp that could shine a light on this problem.
Help the mechanic create something fancy.
Help the unconscious man.
Befriend a dancing spider and learn its dance.
Find the real colorful wisp.
Find the wisp hiding in plain sight.
Bring something to make the kid happier.
Discover what’s troubling the kid.
Talk to the traveler who is stuck in the middle of the sea.
Bring something that will help with the nightmares.
Find the most beautiful wisp.
Find the starry wisp.
Help villagers and become known as a new Wisper.
Climb the ranks by helping those in need.
Travel through all the lands and discover most wisps.
Be a master of your craft and unlock all the secrets of the wisps.