Windy Meadow - A Roadwarden Tale est un roman visuel interactif sur le choix de sa propre voie. Aidez trois protagonistes à faire les choix les plus importants de leur vie. Le jeu comprend une multitude de personnages créés à la main et un village richement détaillé situé dans l'univers de l'hist...
Vena and her father have grown apart.
Vena and her father have stuck together.
Fabel values his audience more than the truth.
Fabel values honesty over renown.
Iudicia has kept her anger at bay.
Iudicia's emotions got the better of her.
Vena decided to stick to what she knows.
Vena followed better tomorrow.
Fabel chose safety over risk.
Fabel chose his dreams over safety.
Iudicia said "no".
Iudicia said "yes".
Total War: WARHAMMER III - Omens of Destruction
Indiana Jones et le Cercle Ancien