Manipulez les éléments dans ce jeu d'infiltration 2D où tout s'enflamme ! Vos pouvoirs élémentaires offrent des possibilités infinies : déclenchez des incendies, gelez l'eau et déplacez la terre pour dominer vos ennemis superstitieux.
Make two soldiers panic on Forest 1: Iria Plain
Overhear an argument on Forest 2: Brevis Pass
Burn at least 90% of the vegetation on Forest 3: Kumba Gorge
Ensure Ezra is never detected on Forest 4: Mendo Levee
Don't get wet on Forest 5: Navia Basin
Escort every villager to safety on Forest 6: Dubra Trench
Beat the fuse to the demolition site on Forest 7: Mouth of Uahm
Overhear an argument on Caves 2: Lubri Grotto
Never get burnt on Caves 4: Deira Falls
Place three enemies in coffins on Caves 5: Nerii Tomb
Destroy all sulphur crystal deposits on Caves 6: Osmo Aven
Melt at least 90% of the snow on Mountains 1: Ambia Moraine
Pick up a bobcat to mask your scent on Mountains 2: Felidae Crevice
Read all expedition diaries on Mountains 3: Carnota Rise
Keep three bobcats at bay with one fireball on Mountains 4: Fenn Plateau
Return all five crucibles to their pedestal on Mountains 5: Medo Subpeak
Complete Wildfire's story
Complete Wildfire's story in co-op
Start New Game+
Complete New Game+
Rescue all 40 villagers
Complete the Undetected challenge on every level
Complete the No Kills challenge on every level
Complete the No Save Reloads challenge on every level
Complete the Speedrun challenge on every level
Unlock at least 1 stage of every ability
Fully upgrade all fire, water, and earth abilities
Collect all meteor shards
Pickpocket all Kickstarter lockets
Get captured, then escape from prison
Throw a villager into his own box of oranges
Set fire to everything flammable in Captain Caira's Chateau
Heal Captain Caira's burns with Rejuvenate
Make an archer accidentally shoot another enemy
Land on an enemy from high enough to knock them out
Bring a dead enemy back to life with Rejuvenate
Bring a co-op player back to life with Rejuvenate
Survive a fall to your death by carrying Rejuvenating water
Crush an enemy with a gate
Cause an enemy to fall to their death by surprising them
Trap an enemy in vines, then set those vines on fire
Trap an enemy in a bubble
Grow a vine by sending earth upward in a bubble
Block an arrow with a body
Cause an enemy attack to free a captive villager
Make an enemy panic with a flaming chicken
Smoke Ride up the smoke plume created by destroyed sulphur crystals
Transplant while carrying a villager