Découvrez le monde sombre et inquiétant de Purgatory dans ce jeu de tir à deux sticks rapide aux impressionnantes options tactiques. Bondissez d'abri en abri tout en faisant feu sur vos ennemis dans ce jeu aux zones générées aléatoirement.
Completed the Crypt
Completed the Hunt
Completed the Mines
Completed the Bayou
Completed the Canyon
Completed the Farm
Completed the Town
Completed the Graveyard
Completed the Church
Found the first rune
Found the second rune
Found the third rune
Helped the first lost soul
Helped 10 lost souls
Helped 50 lost souls
Defeated first Outlaw
Defeated 10 Outlaws
Defeated 50 Outlaws
Found the fourth rune
Completed the Battlefield