Menez votre peuple à la victoire, développez votre tribu et exploitez la puissance des bêtes et des artéfacts perdus. Adaptez votre peuple pour anéantir vos rivaux et régner en maître incontesté.
Reach 200 Population
Kill a total of 500 wild dinosaurs
Win a game as the Sage by building nothing but Wisps and Raptors
Win 20 Skirmish games
Capture a total of 100 Go'n Shrines
Recruit 10 Golems, 10 T-Rexes and 10 Mammoths in one game each.
Build every structure in the game at least once
Mine a total of 100000 crystals
Pick every talent at least once and win a game with it
Win 10 Team Games
Use every power at least once
Steal 25 shrines from an enemy
Build 4 Settlements, 10 towers and research Fortification in one game
Destroy a total of 200 enemy structures
Kill 25 wild T-Rexes
Win a Skirmish 1v1 vs a very hard AI
Play Survival Mode on medium and survive until wave 25
Win 10 games with each faction
Cast a total of 200 active abilities