55 ports parmi les plus célèbres et exotiques du monde entier attendent votre visite. L'un d'entre eux sera votre port d'attache : à vous de choisir lequel.
Deliver over 10,000 TEU of Timber contracts.
Deliver over 10,000 TEU of Ore contracts.
Deliver over 10,000 TEU of Alcoholic Beverage contracts.
Deliver over 10,000 TEU of Toy contracts.
Deliver over 10,000 TEU of Agricultural Products contracts.
Deliver over 10,000 TEU of Furniture contracts.
Deliver over 10,000 TEU of Medicines contracts.
Deliver over 10,000 TEU of Antiques contracts.
Take Foodstuffs from your home port or your subsidiary to all 55 ports.
Do the New York – Dublin crossing in 8 days or less.
Berth and cast off manually in 50 ports.
Sail through 5 storms
Discover all of the landmarks in North America live in 3D
Discover all of the landmarks in Europe live in 3D.
Discover all of the landmarks in South America live in 3D.
Discover all of the landmarks in Africa live in 3D.
Discover all of the landmarks of Asia live in 3D.
Discover all of the landmarks of Australia live in 3D.
Catch Sight Of A Whale.
Own all ship types at the same time.
Fuel up for more than 14 million €.
Berth in a port with less than 5% Condition.
Repair a ship for more than 10 million €.
Spread your home port and its 5 subsidiaries over all six continents
Collect all public and hidden achievements