To the Stars est un jeu de stratégie fantaisiste et rythmé dont le but est de contrôler des planètes. Choisissez votre aventure et partez à la conquête de l'univers - une constellation à la fois.
Won your first battle
Won your first constellation
Unlocked your first faction
Lost your first battle
Lost your first constellation
Won a constellation with one life left
Lost the final battle
Bought an item
Used the b=Brainwash ability
Used the Doom ability
Used the Shield ability
Used the Stealth ability
Used the Exploit ability
Used the Amplify ability
Used the Recycle ability
Used the Accelerate ability
Used the point Defense Laser ability
Won a constellation without losing lives
Finished all Crystpuritans constellations
Finished all Gassy Federation constellations
Finished all Devout Mioawists constellations
Finished all Herbalians constellations
Finished all Flatlanders constellations
Finished all Solidshell Militia constellations
Finished all Rocktopuses constellations
Finished all Lizanarchists constellations
Finished all Mutators' union constellations
Finished all constellations of all the factions
Won a battle in less than 20 seconds
Won a battle in sudden death
Lost 100 ships on an exploding planet
Used Amplify 3 times on one planet
Used Exploit 3 times on one planet
Used Brainwash 5 times in one battle
Used Laser Defense 5 times in one battle
Used Recycle 5 times on one planet
Used Stealth 5 times in one battle
Used Shield 5 times in one battle
Used Accelerate 5 times in one battle
Won a battle after all planets have been destroyed