Time to Morp est un jeu de simulation de colonie dans lequel vous prenez soin de créatures enjouées - les Morps. Utilisez leur aide pour collecter des ressources, construire et décorer une base, mettre en place des réseaux de canalisations, tout automatiser et explorer le monde pour trouver de no...
Unlock everything in Research Tree
Unlock all Decor in Research Tree
Successfully Complete the Main Storyline
Cure Huge Morp
Land Crew base
Unlock everything in Morp Wiki
Unlock all Morps in Morp Wiki
Earn a Respected level with at least one Morp by completing Social Quests
Max out relationships with all Morps to the Respected level
Level Up relationship with one Crew member to the Respected level
Max out relationships with Crew to the Respected level
Collect 10 Quark
Follow instructions of a Captain and finish Treasure hunt
Gather 50 Dark Flower
Start day 100
Build your first Resource pump as the first step to Automation
Build your first piece of Water input as the next step to Automation
Build your first Laser Collector
Deploy a Transport Bot with a Pickup Station
Level Up Extractor to max level
Build a Radar to track down the signal
Use Uprooter Gadget 50 times
Use Portal In
Use Grass Gadget 10 times
Feed 50 resources to a Cursed Plant
Build 20 of any Chests
Use Wings for 100 seconds
Take a sit on a bench along with your trusty Morp
Use Hoverboard for over 1000 cells
Poke the Sleepy Morp
Plant a Seed
Pick 50 distracted Morps
Grow 50 plants of any kind