This Is the President est un thriller politique. Vous venez d’accéder à la présidence : à vous de tirer parti de votre position de leader du monde libre pour que vos crimes passés ne vous conduisent jamais devant la justice, quitte à plonger le pays dans le chaos.
Make your first speech
Sign an executive order
Visit Broadway
Pay Noah
Change the national anthem
Send a man to Mars
Hire all the Glovers
Finish the game with Alvaro still on your team
Finish the game with all your initial team members
Make and fulfill all available promises
Break every promise you make
Drive a team member to suicide
Throw a cocaine party
Accept all of Maila's requests
Decline all of Maila's requests
Appoint Lachlan as your Chief of Staff
Appoint June as your Chief of Staff
Kill a random Canadian
Don't lose a single team member throughout the game
Don't pay Christmas bonuses even once
Beat the game on Easy
Beat the game on Normal
Beat the game on Hard
Upgrade any bill to the max
Hire Rizzuto
Censor the internet
Make friends with Russia
Accept the French President into your "cult"
Sign the bill countering gaming addiction
Reconcile two of your team members
Pay back to the "investors"
Pay back to the cartel