The Red Lantern est un jeu narratif de survie en traîneau à chiens. Vous incarnez la Musher qui prend la décision irréfléchie de commencer une nouvelle vie en Alaska.
Discovered it was just a nightmare.
Unlock Chomper's Potential
Completed Stilton's Story
Just here for snacks.
Gettin' Iggy With It
Noodles go with everything
And weathered the storm (and quills)
Black Magic
Found his voice
Do you trust me?
The Red Lantern found the finish
Owl just keep my distance
There are no bad dogs
Live wildly!
They really do that!
Squirrel problems
You can most definitely pet the dogs
Finders keepers
Alaskan Freegan
Out of the wild...
My dad is a bird
We're gonna need a bigger sled
Nature is fun!
Every dog deserves a home (and an accessory)