Construisez un deck de héros iconiques et défiez les forces de Sauron dans ce jeu tactique palpitant. Explorez des lieux célèbres, accomplissez des quêtes narratives et forgez votre propre légende en Terre du Milieu. Mais prenez garde à l'Œil de Sauron. Si vous attirez son attention, tout est per...
Complete 1 Quest
Complete 10 Quests
Complete 100 Quests
Complete 1,000 Quests
Complete 5,000 Quests
Defeat 1,000 Orcs
Defeat 5,000 Orcs
Defeat 1,000 Spiders
Defeat 5,000 Spiders
Deal 100 damage to Enemies
Deal 1,000 damage to Enemies
Deal 10,000 damage to Enemies
Deal 100,000 damage to Enemies
Resolve 25 Objectives
Resolve 100 Objectives
Resolve 1,000 Objectives
Resolve 5,000 Objectives
Complete 10 Quests with 2 Heroes defeated
Complete 10 Quests with 1 Hero defeated
Complete 10 Quests with no Heroes defeated
Complete 25 Quests with 2 Heroes defeated
Complete 25 Quests with 1 Hero defeated
Complete 25 Quests with no Heroes defeated
Complete 50 Quests with 2 Heroes defeated
Complete 50 Quests with 1 Hero defeated
Complete 50 Quests with no Heroes defeated
Complete 100 Quests with 2 Heroes defeated
Complete 100 Quests with 1 Hero defeated
Complete 100 Quests with no Heroes defeated
Complete 100 Quests using only Rohan Characters
Complete 100 Quests using only Gondor Characters
Complete 100 Quests in which you play the Gandalf Ally card
Use Gandalf 100 times to defeat a Boss
Use a Power 25 times
Use a Power 100 times
Use a Power 1,000 times
Use a Power 5,000 times
End 100 rounds with at least 1 Resource
End 500 rounds with at least 1 Resource
End 1,000 rounds with at least 1 Resource
End 5,000 rounds with at least 1 Resource
Spend 100 Resources
Spend 1,000 Resources
Spend 5,000 Resources
Spend 10,000 Resources
Complete 10 Quests without playing an Ally
Complete 50 Quests without playing an Ally
Complete 100 Quests without playing an Ally
Complete 500 Quests without playing an Ally
Make 9 custom decks
Leave at least 1 Enemy 100 times when traveling
Defeat all Enemies 100 times before traveling
Travel 50 times
Travel 100 times
Travel 1,000 times
Travel 5,000 times
Draw 50 cards during gameplay (after initial setup)
Draw 100 cards during gameplay (after initial setup)
Draw 1,000 cards during gameplay (after initial setup)
Draw 5,000 cards during gameplay (after initial setup)
Complete a Quest without attacking an Enemy
Complete "The Shadow's Reach" with 6 different Heroes
Complete "The Shadow's Reach" and "The Shadows Fall" with 6 different Heroes
Complete 10 Quests with Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas
Complete "The Shadow's Reach" Campaign
Defeat 1,000 Creatures
Defeat 5,000 Creatures
Complete 100 Quests using only Dwarf Characters
Complete 100 Quests using only Noldor Characters
Complete 100 Quests using only Silvan Characters
Complete 100 Quests using only Hobbit Characters