THE LAST BLADE 2 est le légendaire jeu de combat basé sur les armes de SNK et sorti en 1998 sur le système de jeu NEOGEO de SNK, à la suite de son prédécesseur THE LAST BLADE.
Clear the game as KAEDE
Clear the game as MORIYA MINAKATA
Clear the game as YUKI
Clear the game as AKARI ICHIJO
Clear the game as JUZO KANZAKI
Clear the game as RECCA LEE
Clear the game as ZANTETSU
Clear the game as SHIGEN NAOE
Clear the game as GENBU NO OKINA
Clear the game as HYO AMANO
Clear the game as SHINNOSUKE KAGAMI
Clear the game as KOJIRO SANADA
Clear the game as SETSUNA
Clear the game as MUKURO
Clear the game as HIBIKI TAKAMINE
Clear the game as KORYU
No continue game clear
Play in TIME ATTACK and beat 15 characters in a row
Play in TIME ATTACK and beat 30 characters in a row