Plongez dans un univers aussi charmant que dramatique aux enquêtes minutieuses, déductions avisées et procès théâtraux avec ce pack double des aventures du jeune avocat Ryūnosuke Naruhodō.
For being awarded all other accolades
For completion of Episode 1 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures from its opening chapter
For completion of Episode 2 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures from its opening chapter
For completion of Episode 3 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures from its opening chapter
For completion of Episode 4 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures from its opening chapter
For completion of Episode 5 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures from its opening chapter
For completion of Episode 1 of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve from its opening chapter
For completion of Episode 2 of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve from its opening chapter
For completion of Episode 3 of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve from its opening chapter
For completion of Episode 4 of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve from its opening chapter
For completion of the Final Chapter of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve from its opening chapter
For completion of all the extra Escapade adventures
For playing the game in all available outfits
For having dug around to find every argument about shovels and spades
For having wrung your hands through every debate about ladders and stepladders
For having successfully presented evidence during the first cross-examination that occurs in both The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures and The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve
For having successfully pressed a witness during the first cross-examination in both The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures and The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve
For having read every new idea on Iris's blackboard
For having thoroughly examined the medical report card, inside and out, in Episode 1 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures
For having examined the bed in Episode 2 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures
For having identified the milliner responsible for the victim's hat in Episode 3 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures
For having examined the violin before talking with Iris about the ‘Wilson’ topic in Episode 4 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures
For having examined the fireplace in Mr Sholmes's suite whilst with Susato in Episode 5 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures
For having named Taketsuchi Auchi and Yujin Mikotoba as the victim in Episode 1 of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve
For having examined Miss Green's bottle before it falls from the table in Episode 2 of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve
For erroneously answering Mr Sholmes's question about who might have something that belonged to the convict in Episode 2 of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve
For presenting the armband to Lord van Zieks in Episode 3 of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve
For talking with Gina after Ryunosuke regains consciousness following the incident with Toby in Episode 4 of The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve