Façonnez l’histoire du cinéma hollywoodien dans ce jeu de simulation économique. Produisez les films que vous avez toujours voulu voir, formez une équipe de rêve, dotez-vous des technologies dernier cri et dominez le box-office. Parviendrez-vous à vous hisser au sommet de tout Hollywood ?
Hire your first employee
Build a 5 people team
Build a 10 people team
Build a 15 people team
Move into the small office
Move into the medium office
Move into the large office
First theatrical release
Release your first medium movie
Release your first large movie
Release your first blockbuster movie
Reach a prestige score of 5
First franchise
First cult movie
First classic movie
Win your first award
Release a movie with an Avocadometer of 9 or more
Create a movie with an Avocadometer of 4 or less
Release a movie with an Avocadometer of 10
Unlock 20 Themes
Unlock 40 Themes
Unlock all Themes
Unlock all research
Create a film with a $100M budget or higher
Film makes $400M at the Box Office
Hire an Executive
Fire an Executive
Distribute a film internationally
Self Distribute a film
Self Distribute a film that makes $300m at the Box Office
Cast a director with a popularity score of at least 90
Cast a lead actor/actress with a popularity score of at least 90
Cast a supporting actor/actress with a popularity score of at least 90
Hire an employee for each role