Dans cette aventure malsaine en vue subjective se déroulant dans une université de médecine abandonnée, testez votre intelligence en élucidant un mystère vieux de 20 ans. Échappez à votre destin de cobaye humain, prisonnier d'un scientifique morbide. Dans The Crow's Eye, la fin justifie les moyens.
Craft an item for the first time.
Craft 5 items.
Craft 10 items.
Craft 20 items.
Break 1 glass object.
Break 10 glass objects.
Break 50 glass objects.
Invest 5 items in crafting.
Invest 20 items in crafting.
Invest 40 items in crafting.
Collect 10 items.
Collect 25 items.
Collect 70 items.
Build the electromagnet.
Collect 10 documents and recordings.
Collect 50 documents and recordings.
Collect all documents and recordings.
Collect all of Benjamin Bennet's recordings and documents.
Collect all of Robert Kansas' recordings and documents.
Collect all of Evelynn O'Donell's recordings and documents.
Collect all of William Holtwick's recordings and documents.
Open a door using the lockpick without damaging it.
Craft a map.
Craft every map.
Discover a secret room.
Discover all secret areas.
Lose all life points once.
Lose all life points 12 times.
Finish the game.
Finish the game without healing yourself.