The Ascent est un Action RPG solo et co-op, avec un univers cyberpunk. Vous, et tout ce qui vous entoure, appartient au groupe The Ascent. Survivrez-vous à sa chute?
First enemy kill
Die more than 100 times
Reset your proficiencies once
Sell Something
Get killed by a katana
Revive a DBNO friend
Make an enemy drop an exploding grenade
Equip two augmentations and a module
Equip augmentations and upgrade attributes resulting in the fullchrome appearance
Allocate 3 proficiency points
Start your first co-op session
Fully upgrade a weapon
Finish a side mission
Complete all side missions
Hack an ATM
Get the goods by both hacking and destroying vending machines
Hack at least one of each hackable category
Deploy black ICE against hacker enemy
Collect 200'000 uCreds
Claim a bounty
Try Snooze
Kill a robot with energy damage type
Deliver 4000 amount of stasis damage on one target
Kill 10 enemies using exploding barrels
Kill another enemy by overcharging an enemy while it's in stasis
Use the sink after flushing a toilet
Discover all locations
Ride the Interlink Express
Fill the Codex
Read 10 datapads
Unlock all enemy Codex entries
Destroy a Karlan controlled Siege Mech
Kill 50 level 35 or higher enemies
Obtain your first melee weapon
Kill a level 35 bounty
Completed Making Concessions
Complete Unshackled
Completed all Cyber Heist Side Missions
Perform your first Hammer kill
Kill an enemy using melee's special move
Take down a member of Zells' guard
Take down Zell
Discover the Dark Playground
Find a secret route