Un combat à mort à la première personne dans les profondeurs de l'espace !
Use every type of Dermal Patch
Recharge 20 times at a Power Station
Consume 30 Food and Drink items
Salvage 100 Junk Items at Salvage Stations
Acquire a Laser Rapier
Discover all firearms
Find and install every Weapon Modkit
Find the final version of all Hardware Attachments
Buy 10 Ammo Items from Ammo Depots
Buy a Grenade from a Vending Machine
Solve 15 Circuit or Wire Panels without using a Logic Probe
Hack 20 enemies which have been acquired by the Target ID Hardware
Kill an enemy by bouncing a shot from the Ion Rifle
Kill two or more enemies with a single Plasma Core
Kill two or more enemies with a single Railgun Projectile
Kill an enemy with an Overhead Monitor
Kill 10 enemies while under the effects of the Berserk Combat Booster
Kill three or more enemies with a single explosive weapon
Defeat Edward Diego while en route to the Life Pods
Kill Edward Diego with the Laser Rapier
Defeat all of the Cortex Reavers on Citadel Station
Destroy all of SHODAN’s cameras and CPU Nodes
Find all Audio Logs and Data Sticks on Citadel Station
Complete the game
Complete the game on the highest difficulties
Discover a Hidden Door
Jump across the big ramp in the Storage level
Solve the Chess Puzzle in Delta Grove
Find the hidden Wrench. This looks familiar…
Find the hidden Audio Log
Find Skully, the Nightdive skull, on every level