Incarnez un duo délirant dans ce jeu de course (de charriot), franchissez des obstacles instables et sillonnez les magasins et les supermarchés pour relever des défis mortels.
Begin your adventure
Graduate from Driving School
Complete first level in single player
Complete first level in co-op
Knock over a bean stack
Knock over all bean stacks in a destruction level
Complete Beanland level without knocking over any beans
Collect all the items on your shopping list
Compete Valuplex level
Trigger the boulder in Doctor & Jones level
Complete Bluumingrails level
Unlock all the streets
Unlock a hat/ pair of glasses
Complete a level without bumping kart
Crash into a mannequin
Knock a wine bottle off a shelf
3 Star every level
Replay a level wearing the T101 glasses
Wear the space helmet
Wear the branded baseball cap
Customise your character’s appearance
Fast travel to another street
Pose for pictures on the red carpet
Complete a Party Mode game
Complete a level duetting in co-op
Play another level after completing the Colosseum
Complete the Colosseum in co-op