Es-tu prêt à amener tes compétences avec les femmes au niveau supérieur pendant que tu joues à un jeu vidéo amusant?
Choose all of the famous Pick Up Artist's tricks and routines.
Choose 5 wrong answers.
Get a perfect run on the Coffee Shop level.
Get a perfect run on Girl on the Street level.
Get a perfect run on the First Date Kate level.
Get a perfect run on the Direct Daygame level.
Get a perfect run on the First Date Alexa level.
Get a perfect run in the office level.
Get a perfect run on the Friend to Girlfriend level.
Get a perfect run on the 2 Girls in a Bar level.
Get a perfect run on the Wingman level.
Get a perfect run on the Club/Dance Floor level.
Get physically attacked at every possible choice.
Explore every option that leads to failure.
Get 100% completion on five levels.
Get 100% completion on all levels.
Get a perfect run on 5 levels.
Get a perfect run on every level.