Super Crazy Rhythm Castle, l'aventure chaotique rythmée ! Un mash-up coopératif à énigmes comme vous n'en avez jamais vu. Seul ou avec trois amis maximum... Pourrez-vous conquérir le château ?
Enter the castle
Open the gate in the undergrowth
Feed Zig more stardust
Feed Zig even more stardust
Feed Zig lots more stardust
Banish King Ferdinand I
Feed Zig all the stardust
Unlock Maniac
Play a song in the game garage
Get a perfect medal in the music lab
Earn 25 medal points in the music lab
Earn 50 medal points in the music lab
Earn 100 medal points in the music lab
Play a round of Versus Race
Play a round of Versus Chaos
Use the other team's egg against them in Versus Chaos
Play a song in the music lab
Get three stars on every level, with everyone playing on PRO difficulty