Lancez-vous dans une mission des plus périlleuses, seul ou en coop avec un ami ! Explorez d’immenses environnements, et faites usage de vos redoutables compétences et de votre arsenal d’assassin pour vous infiltrer ou éliminer silencieusement vos ennemis – Humains, Elfes, Nains – ainsi que de ter...
Finish the introduction
Finish Mission 1
Finish Mission 2
Finish Mission 3
Finish Mission 4
Finish Mission 5
Finish Mission 6
Finish Mission 7
Finish Mission 8
Kill all the enemies in a zone
Push 10 enemies over the edge
Kill an enemy in his sleep
Craft 30 items
Get out alive from 10 red alerts
Having hidden 50 times in a duct or a hideout
Unlock Gold level for all Insignias in all missions
Finish a level without taking damage
Finish a mission with the gold Insignia of the Thief
Finish a mission with the gold Insignia of the Shadow
Finish a mission with the gold Insignia of Swiftness
Finish a mission with the gold Insignia of Mercy
Complete a level without using an amber power
Be saved by a Life-saving Clone
Teleport 20 times into a clone (with the skill)
Create 50 clones
Being invisible in a chest and not being caught by an enemy on a search
Pickpocket 10 enemies
Kill 5 guards with acid traps
Drink 25 vials of amber
Dissolve 10 enemies (vial of acid)
Collect 50 raw materials
Unlock your first ultimate skill
Unlock all skills
Unlock all achievements