Paris, 1789. La Révolution française est réprimée dans le sang par Louis XVI et son impitoyable armée d’automates. Aegis, mystérieux chef d’œuvre mécanique animée, affronte seule l’armée du roi pour sauver l’Histoire dans cet action-RPG exigeant.
Reach Paris by boat
Discover the truth about the Queen’s son and save her from certain death
Conduct an investigation for Abbé Grégoire
Help Mirabeau solve his family problems
Help Julien Raimond in his fight against slavery
Follow Bailly's advice to find out the truth about Ludia
Complete all citizen stories
Collect all of Athenaïs's echoes
Awaken the 7 characters bound to Titans
Activate 20 Vestals
Defeat 25 enemies with grenades
Ignite enemies 100 times
Electrocute enemies 100 times
Freeze enemies 100 times
Use Rapid Cooling 50 times
Perform 10 Perfect Cooldowns
Perform 50 counterattacks
Have an enemy be killed by a direct hit from another enemy 5 times
Surprise 20 enemies with stealth attacks
Immobilise 70 enemies
Defeat a Titan without using the Oil Burette
Equip 4 level 3 modules
Kill an enemy with a cobblestone
Fully upgrade the Oil Burette (3x dosage, 4x effectiveness)
Upgrade a weapon from each of the 7 classes to level 5
Block 50 attack impacts with a shield special move
Kill 20 enemies with a ranged shot
Perform 10 attacks affecting 3 enemies at once
Hit 20 hidden enemies
Finish the game without using the Oil Burette (after the tutorial)
Acquire all outfits in the base game
Defeat 30 of the following enemies: Necromancers, Gravediggers, and Apothecaries
Defeat the Scribe using only weapons found in “Cagliostro's Secrets”
Defeat the unstable Automat at the hospital
Defeat the Scribe
Complete the secret area in the Quartier du Temple
Complete “Cagliostro's Secrets”, save Brissot and bring him back to the Cordeliers