Rejoignez Captain Leeway et son équipage bigarré et découvrez l’étrange menace qui plane sur la Grande Mer. Améliorez votre équipage pour des fusillades en ricochets au tour par tour et des combats navals en temps réel. Visez, planifiez et pillez dans cette aventure désopilante de Steambot !
Shoot off three hats with one shot.
Equip an ability from a second job.
Purchase an item.
Spend 10,000 gallons.
Collect all hats.
Recruit all crewmates.
Get a Crewmate to maximum level in all jobs.
Bounce back a projectile and destroy an enemy ship.
Deal 25 or more damage with a single hit.
Apply Hobble, Break, Chilled and Burning on the same enemy.
Complete the game before 35 days have passed.
Complete the game with at most 4 crewmates dying.
Complete the game without dying on the World Map.
Heal crewmates for a total of 100 HP.
Get a new hat.
Scrap 10 enemies with one crewmate within one turn.
Go from 1 HP to full HP in a single turn.
Get all ship upgrades.
Complete four missions in a single day.
Complete all missions in the game.
Locate all artifacts.
Defeat all flagships.
Get all 7 Coglike gears.