Jonathan Bold est un charmant flibustier de l'espace à la gâchette facile doté d'un goût impeccable en matière de femmes et d'un talent inné pour trouver les ennuis. Son compagnon numérique, ADAH, est toujours prête à donner de sa personne, mais régler l'ardoise au bar et faire face à toutes sort...
Start the Campaign scenario
Reach the Pyros sector in the Campaign scenario
Reach the Sirius system in the Campaign scenario
Reach the planet Extera in the Campaign scenario
Reach the Solar system in the Campaign scenario
Reach the Jupiter sector in the Campaign scenario
Complete the main storyline
Start the Freeroam scenario
Complete the first mission given by the bartender
Complete 10 missions given by the bartender
Complete 100 missions given by the bartender
Visit all 12 sectors at least once
Jump through Starpoints or TGates 50 times
Use Nav Buoy for fast travel
Talk to an alien barman
Collect your first blueprint
Collect 10 blueprints
Collect 50 blueprints
Craft your first item
Craft 10 items
Craft 100 items
Earn 50.000 credits
Earn 100.000 credits
Earn 1.000.000 credits
Fully upgrade any skill tree
Fly with Cut engines continually for one minute
Complete a drone mission
Buy new wings for your ship
Kill your first ship in a combat
Kill 10 enemies
Kill 50 enemies
Kill 100 enemies
Kill 200 enemies
Kill 500 enemies
Kill 1000 enemies
Defeat your first enemy capital ship
Complete Extera Boss
Complete 12 monkeys Boss
Complete Jeepers Creepers Boss
Scan your first anomaly
Scan 10 anomalies
Scan 100 anomalies
Destroy your first transport ship
Destroy 10 transport ships
Destroy 100 transport ships
Destroy your first satellite
Destroy 10 satellites
Destroy 100 satellites
Destroy 10 asteroids
Destroy 100 asteroids
Destroy 200 asteroids
Destroy 500 asteroids
Destroy 1000 asteroids
Destroy 10000 asteroids
Destroy your first rich asteroid
Destroy 10 rich asteroids
Destroy 50 rich asteroids
Destroy 100 rich asteroids
Destroy 500 rich asteroids
Destroy 10 junk pieces
Destroy 100 junk pieces
Destroy 500 junk pieces
Destroy 10 crates
Destroy 100 crates
Destroy 500 crates
Destroy 1000 crates
Destroy 10000 crates
Fill your cargo hold to maximum capacity
Loot a derelict
Loot 10 derelicts
Loot 50 derelicts
Loot 100 derelicts
Destroy an enemy ship with less than 10% hull points remaining
Destroy 20 asteroids by crashing into them
Meet Doug Jones, the famous space trader
Get irradiated
Use a mine in combat
Use SETH in combat
Use a decoy in combat
Destroy a missile with your primary weapons
Destroy a capital ship's Weakpoint
Destroy an enemy while he's suffering from CSF
Destroy 25 enemies with scatterguns
Destroy 15 enemies with a blaster
Destroy 35 enemies with a machinegun
Destroy 45 enemies with a cannon
Fire 50 dumbfire missiles
Fire 100 guided missiles
Fire 25 torpedoes
Fail a barman mission
Die 5 times
Die 25 times
Complete all world bosses
Upgrade every ship module at least once
Fly with cruise engines continually for 5 minutes
Destroy 75 Outlaw ships
Destroy 75 MultiOps, Nexus or Liberland ships
Destroy 75 A'Shriari, Exteran or Dogon ships
Craft any missile or a torpedo
Craft any primary weapon
Destroy 10 drones with drone
Drop / destroy any item from your cargohold
Obtain a capital ship class
Sell 1000 coffee packs
Sell 1000 drinks of any kind