Spiritfarer® est un jeu de gestion cosy sur le thème de la mort, dans lequel vous incarnez une passeuse d’âmes. Construisez un bateau pour explorer le monde, prenez soin de vos esprits et guidez-les au long des mers mystiques jusqu’à l’au-delà.
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Make one spirit reach the ecstatic mood at least once
Make 5 spirits reach the ecstatic mood at least once
Make all spirits reach the ecstatic mood at least once
Activate all the shrines
Build all houses and stations at least once on the boat
Bring all releasable spirits to the Everdoor
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Complete one errand for Francis
Complete twelve errands for Francis
Complete thirty errands for Francis
Give Furogawa Tour's guide a tip
Endure 10 of Albert's jokes
Use Alex's bus stops 50 times
Light up all Lighthouses
Find and shelter all sheep
Shear sheep at least 50 times
Collect all figureheads
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