Space Prison est un jeu tactique de survie avec des combats tour-par-tour et des mécanismes de RPG. Survivez la prison la plus dure de la galaxie et devenez chef d'un gang ! Explorez, combattez, soudoyez et construisez des objets pour essayer de vous échapper. Ne laissez pas le système vous briser!
Obey the Guard in front of your cell.
Defy the Guard in front of your cell.
Sleep through the first night.
Cleanup the Cellblock.
Craft your first item.
Complete the intro job for Hypernova and join the gang.
Complete the intro job for Gravity Fist and join the gang.
Advance to Gang Rank 2 in Hypernova.
Advance to Gang Rank 3 in Hypernova.
Become a Hypernova boss.
Advance to Gang Rank 2 in Gravity Fist.
Advance to Gang Rank 3 in Gravity Fist.
Become a Gravity Fist boss.
Get 100 Relation with another inmate.
Upgrade your Basic Workbench to maximum level.
Upgrade your Bed to maximum level.
Upgrade your Bathroom to maximum level.
Upgrade your Rat Workbench to maximum level.
Upgrade your Rat Burrow to maximum level.
Upgrade your Secret Stash to maximum level.
Upgrade your Engineer's Workbench to maximum level.
Upgrade your Cooking Workbench to maximum level.
Upgrade your Hypernova Workbench to maximum level.
Upgrade your Gravity Fist Workbench to maximum level.
Build Keepsake Shelf.
Craft 25 items.
Craft 50 items.
Craft 100 items.
Distill Moonshine.
Drink a Guard's coffee.
Kill 15 Chompers.
Kill 30 Chompers.
Kill 15 Crawlers.
Kill 30 Crawlers.
Kill 15 Rats.
Kill 30 Rats.
Kill 5 Cereblobs.
Kill 5 Mole Fruggs.
Kill 5 Alpha/Mother Wyrsts.
Destroy 10 Supply Crates.
Name your first Party Member.
Start a Steamy Games poster collection.
Complete a Steamy Games poster collection.
Escape Space Prison on Normal Mode.
Escape Space Prison on Broken Collar Mode.
Collect 100 Credits.
Build a Waypoint Teleport.
Let Lois go.
Complete Trix's quest chain and gain her Respect.
Complete 1C3's quest chain and gain his Respect.
Complete Dryshem's quest chain and gain her Respect.
Complete Rex Starwind's quest chain and gain her Respect.
Complete Andy Canone's quest chain and gain his Respect.
Complete Pedra's quest chain and gain her Respect.
Complete Patriarch Keleph's quest chain and gain his Respect.
Complete Marv's quest chain and gain her Respect.
Complete Boom Boom Moretti's quest chain and gain her Respect.
Complete Magnus' quest chain and gain his Respect.
Complete Kansas' quest chain and gain her Respect.
Complete Bondar's quest chain and gain his Respect.
Complete Axiom's quest chain and gain his Respect.
Complete Reaper's quest chain and gain his Respect.
Complete Vepps' quest chain and gain her Respect.
Complete Gutberry's quest chain and gain her Respect.
Complete Lomo's quest chain and gain his Respect.
Complete Doc Grinn's quest chain and gain his Respect.