Dépoussiérez votre torche et votre marteau - il est temps de vous remettre au travail, vous avez une nouvelle mission à accomplir. Visitez la nouvelle côte de la plage avec le plus grand cimetière de navires du monde, démontez d'énormes parties de navires et collectez des tonnes d'acier précieux.
Finish Tutorial
Finish MadSea's contracts
Finish Green-Rex's contracts
Finish Caroline's contracts
Finish Snopkowich's contracts
Finish Chilling-Turtle's contracts
Finish Maroon-Lagoon's contracts
Finish Mariner's contracts
Finish Tunacolada's contracts
Finish Heavy-Mermaid's contracts
Finish AOG-Gosiabelle's contracts
Finish Multi-Wojti's contracts
Finish Aramano-Adrianii's contracts
Craft level 5 rope upgrade
Craft level 10 rope upgrade
Purchase your first explosive
Craft level 5 hammer upgrade
Craft level 5 saw upgrade
Craft level 5 torch upgrade
Craft level 10 hammer upgrade
Craft level 10 saw upgrade
Craft level 10 torch upgrade
Craft level 5 crate upgrade
Craft level 10 crate upgrade
Keep a total of $1000 on your account
Keep a total of $10000 on your account
Keep a total of $100000 on your account
Turn off the electric hazard for the first time
Turn off the pipe hazard for the first time
Fully craft all tools upgrades
Finish Slippery Herring's contracts
Find all collectibles
Fully upgrade the crane
Destroy any heavy element
Use mobile cargo for the first time
Finish Chevy's contracts
Finish Fuso's contracts
Finish Wicher's contracts
Get rid of radioactive materials
Find all Warships' collectibles
Finish Humbak's contracts
Finish Gas Goober's contracts
Finish Big Chung's contracts
Turn off the steam hazard for the first time
Find all Giants' collectibles
Finish Pobeda's contracts
Use crane to pick up a new cargo
Use your crate as basketball
Finish I400's contracts
Finish Kursk's contracts
Finish Ohio contracts
Find all Submarines' collectibles
Defuse 10 radioactive rockets
Complete MV Janssonius' contracts
Complete Blue Dream's contracts
Complete Symbol Of The Ocean's contracts
Find all Floating Cities collectibles
Upgrade your house or interior for the first time
Purchase all house upgrades
Open the safe