Construisez et gérez des villages dans un Japon féodal en monde ouvert. Survivez, explorez, rencontrez des personnages uniques et laissez votre marque. Jouez en solo ou en coopération multijoueur.
Unlock all Warrior, Monk, and Craftsman (non-background) perks.
Reach the max population at max Dynasty Level.
Complete all Special Projects on the map.
Unlock all Way of the Warrior (non-background) perks.
Unlock all Way of the Monk (non-background) perks.
Unlock all Way of the Craftsman (non-background) perks.
Reach the max Dynasty Legend level.
Have 50,000 coins in your inventory.
Finish all neutral village side quests.
Liberate all regions.
Complete all "First Kill" achievements.
Have a positive production for all 8 types of needs simultaneously.
Unlock "No More Couch Surfing!", "Branching Out", and "Don't You Dare Chop It!" achievements.
Build any decoration.
Personally harvest crops from your farm field.
Consume any top-tier, excellent meal.
Cut down any full-size tree.
Die because of the fall damage.
Build any house-type structure.
Have a child.
Plant a tree and let it grow to full size.
Drink sake.
Kill a deer.
Kill a boar.
Kill a wolf
Kill a bear.
Kill a hare.
Kill a fox.
Kill any enemy.
Craft a copper-tier weapon or tool.
Craft a bronze-tier weapon or tool.
Craft an iron-tier weapon or tool.
Craft a steel-tier weapon or tool.
Craft a masterwork-tier weapon or tool.
Have a villager leave your Dynasty for any reason.
Bathe in an Onsen.
Experience the game intro sequence.
Have 3 non-player villagers in your Dynasty.
Have 1,000 coins in your inventory.
Liberate any region.
Establish a village outside the starting region.