Prêts pour un nouveau départ? Créez votre village depuis le départ dans Seeds of Resilience. Apprenez à choisir vos matériaux, comprendre le fonctionnement de l'environnement et utilisez d'authentiques techniques de construction médiévales dans ce jeu de gestion au tour par tour.
Complete the tutorial's objectives
Build a shelter
Build a wattle shack
Build a cabin
Build a cob house
Build a stone house
Have 10 villagers assigned to houses
Spend 50,000 hours of time
Unlock all crafts
Unlock all buildings
Unlock every character
Win survival game by building a boat
Win survival game in merciless difficulty
Have 6 villagers comfortably sleeping
Open 50 crates
Have a character start a day with 16 hours of work
Have a villager master every skill
Win a survival game without "using" animals
Use 5,000 hours of work
Use 100,000 hours of work
Waste 100 hours of work
Reach turn 100