Jill Valentine fait partie des derniers témoins des atrocités commises par Umbrella à Raccoon City. Pour l'empêcher de parler, Umbrella a fait appel à son arme secrète, Nemesis ! Comprend également Resident Evil Resistance, un nouveau jeu multijoueurs à 1 contre 4.
Craft an item.
Improve a weapon.
Expand your inventory.
Place all jewels in the clock tower monument.
Gather all the fuses in the warehouse within 5 minutes.
Destroy a Charlie Doll.
Defeat two enemies with a single shot.
Read all story files.
Collect all weapons in the campaign.
Unlock all safes, lockers, strongboxes, and pickable locks.
Complete the game on "Standard" or higher.
Complete the game on "Hardcore" or higher.
Complete the game with an S rank.
Complete the game without opening the item box.
Complete the game using 1 or fewer recovery items.
Complete the game in under 2 hours of play time.