Broken Porcelain apporte de nombreux changements à la série, avec de nouveaux éléments narratifs et un gameplay inédit qui insufflent une vie nouvelle aux personnages et rendent cette aventure terrifiante plus immersive que jamais, ce qui ravira aussi bien les néophytes que les habitués de la série.
Unlock all trophies
The first time you react to an enemy attack and strike back using a 'defense item'
The first time you use a 'defense item' to attack an enemy from behind
The first time you hit an enemy from a distance with a 'diversion item'
The first time you successfully defeat an enemy and prevent them from passing through the doorway
The first time you make an enemy faint
When you lose the basketball challenge
When you win the basketball challenge
Complete both possible outcomes in reference to your arch enemy's fate.
Knock out all enemies in the game, at least once
Obtain 100% of "Barrier" abilities
Obtain 100% of "Escape" abilities
Obtain 100% of "Shadow" abilities
Obtain 100% of "Sharpness" abilities
Obtain 100% of "Health" abilities
Obtain 100% of "Tool Wizard" abilities
Obtain 100% of "Survival" abilities
Obtain 100% of "Luck" abilities
Obtain 100% of "Mother Acherontia" abilities
Complete the game without ever saving the game at a 'hypnosis spot'
Stab your enemies 50 times
Watching all cinematics, including the credits, without skipping, will unlock the full movie of "Before Saying Goodbye"
Complete the entire game in less than 5 hours
Unlock 100% of collectibles (photos, documents, milk cartons, snow globes, moths, cinematics)
Unlock 100% of all moth abilities
Finish the game without ever dying
Witness at least 5 different Game Overs