Agarest commence par un héros qui, à la naissance, s'est vu confier la tâche difficile de vaincre l'Archidémon. La société s'articule autour du mythe de Yiris, la Larva communément appelée la princesse sacrée, qui a béni le monde et est tombée amoureuse d'un humain.
RPG (Jeu de Rôle)Defeated your first opponent.
Defeated the boss of Dozy Forest.
Defeated the boss of Hell Maw.
Defeated the boss of Raster Valley.
Defeated the boss of Meren Marsh.
Defeated the boss of Zula Desert.
Defeated the boss of Rauea Mountain.
Defeated the boss of Fell Sanctum.
Defeated the boss of Throne of Ire.
Defeated the boss of L'Arc Altar.
Defeated the boss of Creyu Forest.
Defeated the boss of Gedecht Plateau.
Defeated the boss of Verde Cave.
Defeated the boss of Frost Mountains.
Defeated the boss of Star Point.
Defeated the boss of Geluire Woodland.
Defeated the boss of Fool's Tower.
Defeated Transformed Lifre.
Defeated Valla Fare of End.
Cupra joined your party.
Doze joined your party.
Confessed your love to Felicia.
Confessed your love to Kunka.
Confessed your love to Panina.
Married Felicia.
Married Kunka.
Married Panina.
Unlocked Felicia's Plumage power.
Unlocked Kunka's Plumage power.
Unlocked Panina's Plumage power.
Titania joined your party.
Confessed your love to Geolette.
Confessed your love to Saika.
Confessed your love to Piadina.
Reached the ending.
Married Geolette.
Married Saika.
Married Piadina.
Unlocked Geolette's Plumage power.
Unlocked Saika's Plumage power.
Unlocked Piadina's Plumage power.
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2