Après une fraction de seconde ayant fissuré l’essence même du temps, deux hommes se retrouvent dotés d’extraordinaires pouvoirs. L’un voyage dans le temps et veut à tout prix maîtriser ce don. L’autre tente d'utiliser ses nouvelles compétences pour l'arrêter et empêcher le temps de s'effondrer to...
Kill 3 enemies with a single Time Blast.
Kill 10 enemies with a head shot while using Dodge Focus.
Traverse a total of 100 meters using the Time Rush.
Use Time Stop to stack a total of 1000 bullets.
Time Stop one hour's worth of accumulated time.
Destroy 15 enemy chronon harnesses.
Kill 15 enemies with environmental explosions.
Sit a spell, take in Paul's presentation at the University.
Complete the game on Casual Difficulty.
Complete the game on Normal Difficulty.
Complete the game on Hard Difficulty.
Watch a show episode with all of its Quantum Ripples unlocked.
Upgrade a time power.
Fully upgrade Time Stop or Time Dodge.
Fully upgrade all time powers.
Complete 100% of the game. Find every hidden thing, make every choice. DO ALL THE THINGS.
Trigger all Quantum Ripples.
Locate all Intel Items.
Locate 1 Quantum Ripple and 1 Intel Item.
Find all e-mails, presentations, TV shows, radios and posters.
Deflect a total of 200 bullets with the Time Shield.