Pumped BMX + est un jeu de BMX d'arcade dans lequel vous retrouverez toutes les figures, les cascades et les combos qui ont fait le succès de l'une des plus célèbres franchises de BMX du monde. Relevez plus de 500 défis dans ce jeu à couper le souffle !
Complete 500 runs!
Do a manual to tailwhip to icepick to tailwhip on the neon bike
Do a barspin to turndown, barspin to table, and a kickout to table in one run
Do a backflip, a 360 turndown, and a frontflip kickout in one run
Do a 360 turndown, a 360 no foot can-can, and a 360 table in one run
Do a 360 x-up, a 720, and a toboggan to x-up in one run
Do a kickout, a 360 can-can, and a 360 table in one run
Do a 360 one hand table, a barspin to tailwhip, and a superman in one run
Do a backflip turndown, a double backflip, and a 360 turndown backflip in one run
Do a 360 table, a toboggan to table, and a one hand table to turndown in one run
Do a 360 old school, a backflip old school, and a triple tailwhip in one run
Do a double frontflip, a 360 superman, and a backflip triple tailwhip in one run
Do a 360 barspin to double tailwhip, a 360 decade, and a backflip tailwhip in one run
Do a nose manual to barspin, a manual to tailwhip, and a superman in one run
Do a 50-50 to barspin, a 360 to icepick, and a turndown in one run
Do a 360 barspin to tailwhip, a 360 turndown to tailwhip, and an old school to no foot can-can in one run
Complete 500 challenges
Slam 666 times!
Spin over 108000 degrees!
Do 500 tables!
Do 1000 barspins!
Complete 1000 runs!