Pizza Express est une simulation de restaurant au rythme effréné pour Windows, développée par le studio composé d'une personne Onni Interactive, où vous rejoindrez le laborieux Gastone et son téméraire ami Lucky dans une aventure savoureuse qui vous fera passer de zéro à héros.
Serve 314 pies throughout your career.
Serve 1592 pies throughout your career.
Serve 6535 pies throughout your career.
Serve 15750 pies throughout your career.
Serve 31415 pies throughout your career.
Complete 27 orders throughout your career.
Complete 182 orders throughout your career.
Complete 818 orders throughout your career.
Complete 2845 orders throughout your career.
Complete 9045 orders throughout your career.
Deliver 360000 calories in pizzas.
Deliver 2190000 calories in pizzas.
Deliver 7300000 calories in pizzas.
Deliver 18250000 calories in pizzas.
Deliver 36500000 calories in pizzas.
Get a personal A 6 times throughout your career.
Get a personal A 28 times throughout your career.
Get a personal A 67 times throughout your career.
Get a personal A 229 times throughout your career.
Get a personal A 496 times throughout your career.
Get your first personal S.
Get a personal S 5 times throughout your career.
Get a personal S 17 times throughout your career.
Get a personal S 41 times throughout your career.
Get a personal S 83 times throughout your career.
Earn a total of 1000000 Zunnics.
Earn a total of 12648430 Zunnics.
Earn a total of 31536000 Zunnics.
Earn a total of 77777777 Zunnics.
Earn a total of 179424673 Zunnics.
Invest 753480 Zunnics in your restaurant.
Invest 8000000 Zunnics in your restaurant.
Invest 27644437 Zunnics in your restaurant.
Invest 64000000 Zunnics in your restaurant.
Invest 123456789 Zunnics in your restaurant.
Receive a total of 55440 Zunnics in tips.
Receive a total of 720720 Zunnics in tips.
Receive a total of 1441440 Zunnics in tips.
Receive a total of 4324320 Zunnics in tips.
Receive a total of 21621600 Zunnics in tips.
Play on your profile for the first time.
Play on your profile on 3 different days.
Play on your profile on 7 different days.
Play on your profile on 15 different days.
Play on your profile on 31 different days.
Spend an hour playing Pizza Express.
Spend 2 hours playing Pizza Express.
Spend 6 hours playing Pizza Express.
Spend 24 hours playing Pizza Express.
Spend 120 hours playing Pizza Express.
Max out the restaurant's popularity.
Max out the restaurant's chicness.
Unlock all ingredients.
Get a restaurant evaluation of S.
Deservedly win the F.L.A.B. competition.
Deliver 1000 pizzas in a row without making mistakes.
Record a global waiting score of 98 or better at the end of the month.
Reach a perfect score of 999.
Generate an income of at least 999999 Zunnics in a single day.
Receive a score penalty and win F.L.A.B. competition nevertheless.
Complete your first working day.
Celebrate 15 days of activity.
Rush to the hospital.
Witness a massive scandal.
Find out about a scandal which involves a world famous food brand.
Take note of the umpteenth scandal.
Witness the murder of an innocent pizza.
Survive an encounter with a dangerous outlaw.
Get in big trouble with the Famia.
Play the lottery.
File bankruptcy and receive a second chance to redeem yourself.
Bring Gastone a nutritionally balanced meal.
Win a kind nurse's heart.
Get penalized following the inspection of a certain doctor.
Observe how Lucky takes care of troublemakers.
Give the police an identikit which allows them to identify beyond doubt your persecutor.
Listen to Vit's confession.
Find out the reason behind the inspections of a certain somebody.
End up in trouble because of not-so-truthful reviews.
Watch Lucky go behind bars.
Receive a second penalty for reasons identical to the first.
Get allied with the Famia.
Successfully seek revenge.
Cause the arrest of a questionable acquaintance.
Watch Gastone's dreams vanish.
Tell how things really are to the competent authorithy.
Win a challenge proposed by your rival.
Show extreme ingratitude to who saved you from bankruptcy.
Win a GraterChef challenge.
Complete the story.
Break the sound barrier.
Receive a Medal of Merit.
Win the F.L.A.B. competition without finishing in first place.
Complain about a delicious entrée.
Listen to Lucky's crazy proposal.
Find out the whole story behind Gastone's past.
Ace all GraterChef challenges.
Dominate every challenge proposed by your rival.
Come in last place but win the F.L.A.B. competition anyway.
Take off with all your friends for a refreshing holiday.
Complete Gastone's tutorial.
Make 101010 mistakes in one single day yet manage not to file bankruptcy.
Pay a customer for having your pizza eaten.
Spend three quarters of an hour with an empty restaurant.
Serve ten pizzas in ten seconds.
Abound with capsaicin.
Make a customer happy going easy on the salt.
Load up a pizza with sodium.
Don't let a special customer get near dairy products.
Offer ethically correct pizzas.
Inspire an artist by offering him the pizza he has always dreamt of.
Make a pizza collapse under the weight of its ingredients.
Make a customer happy with a springlike pie.
Delight the taste buds of a sophisticated customer.
Serve a work of edible art.
Make Gastone's favourite pizza.
Make Lucky's favourite pizza.
Make Vit's favourite pizza.
Make De Cavidi's favourite pizza.
Decode a mysterious message and follow its instructions.
Actively play in Challenge Mode for one hour.
Actively play in Challenge Mode for 2 hours.
Actively play in Challenge Mode for 7 hours.
Actively play in Challenge Mode for 16 hours.
Actively play in Challenge Mode for 28 hours.
Complete one game in Arcade Mode.
Complete 10 games in Arcade Mode.
Complete 25 games in Arcade Mode.
Complete 100 games in Arcade Mode.
Complete 250 games in Arcade Mode.
Play one game in Endurance Mode.
Play 9 games in Endurance Mode.
Play 21 games in Endurance Mode.
Play 72 games in Endurance Mode.
Play 200 games in Endurance Mode.
Extend your games in Arcade Mode by 3 minutes.
Extend your games in Arcade Mode by 9 minutes.
Extend your games in Arcade Mode by 27 minutes.
Extend your games in Arcade Mode by 84 minutes.
Extend your games in Arcade Mode by 243 minutes.
Activate Prowess for the first time in Endurance Mode.
Use Prowess 12 times in Endurance Mode.
Use Prowess 29 times in Endurance Mode.
Use Prowess 84 times in Endurance Mode.
Use Prowess 248 times in Endurance Mode.
Get a Pizza Combo of at least x100.
Get an Order Combo of at least x50.
Refill 3 containers in a row without incurring into penalties.
Get a total multiplier of at least x2.27 in any game mode.
Lose all your tables but one in Arcade Mode.
Run your pizzeria for at least 8:13.9 minutes in Endurance Mode.
Successfully handle 9 orders at once in Endurance Mode.
Score at least 888888 points in Arcade Mode.
Make a mistake yet manage to score 999999 points in Arcade Mode.
Activate Prowess 7 times during a single game in Endurance Mode.
Chat with Lucky to expand your knowledge.
Record a score in Arcade Mode and one in Endurance Mode.
Activate Prowess with one single Reputation Point left.
Distract Lucky from her favourite game.
Complete an at least 10 minute long game in Endurance Mode with 30 pizzas in your menu.