Parcourez plusieurs dédales interconnectés et gobez les FANTÔMES ainsi que les PAC-MAN des autres joueurs grâce aux super PAC-gommes et à divers bonus ! Soyez le dernier PAC-MAN en vie à la fin de ce Battle Royale à 64 joueurs pour devenir le champion !
Complete Training and play an Elimination game
Spectate and vote for a Power Item in an Elimination game
Customize your PAC-MAN
Rank top 10 in an Elimination game
Eat the last Dot in a Maze
Eat a Fruit
Store and use a Power Item
Earn 10,000 Points in a single match of any game mode
Eat 10,000 Dots
Chomp a PAC-MAN
Customize your Maze Theme
Win an Elimination game
Eat all the Power Pellets in another PAC-MAN's Maze
Clear another PAC-MAN's Maze
Use all Power Items at least once
Earn 50,000 Points in a single match of an Elimination game
Eat 100,000 Dots
Have five PAC-MAN in your Maze at one time (including yourself)
Chomp 1,000 Ghosts
Use the Warp 10,000 times
Chomp all the Ghosts with one Power Pellet
Eat 1,000,000 Dots
Chomp 1,000 other PAC-MAN
Win 50 Elimination games
Earn 100,000 Points in a single match of an Elimination game
Chomp 10,000 Ghosts
Use the Warp 100,000 times
Chomp 4 PAC-MAN with one Power Pellet
Traverse through 5,000 Mazes
Complete all Achievements