Dans ce mélange de jeux de Défense de tours, de RTS et de Défense de tours inversée, vous contrôlez Raelius, le Dieu de la guerre ressuscité, et vous suivez un chemin pavé de douces vengeances et de traces sanglantes.
You killed 7 units using a meteor
You used the meteorshower 100 times
You completed 5 levels
You completed 10 levels
You completed 15 levels
You completed the campaign
You spilled 10,000 gallons of blood
You used the icemagic 50 times
You have unlocked Cinda
You have unlocked Ariella
You have unlocked Nyrilhothep
You have unlocked Mothrilastin
You have unlocked Violetta
You spent 15 skillpoints
You killed 100 elves
You killed 100 angels
You spent 5 hours in Oh My Gore!
You spent 2 hours in Oh My Gore!
You looted 200,000 gold
You looted 50,000 gold
You looted 100,000 gold
You completed all maps on EASY
You completed all maps on NORMAL
You completed all maps on HARD
You destroyed 50 buildings
You took over 10 enemy barracks
You have spawned 100 skeletons by magic
You killed 50 enemies by using the Cyclone
You used Meteorshower and Bloodrain together
You killed a unit with a charmed unit
You killed 100 enemies with the dragon
You healed an Iron Maiden by explosives
You spawned Zombies in four barracks by magic
You created a level in the Editor
You have opened the credits
You found the secret bumblebee-portrait
You covered 100 fields in cobwebs
You managed to collect 10 trophies!
You managed to collect 20 trophies!
You managed to collect 30 trophies
You managed to collect 40 trophies