NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 2 est un concentré de sensations fortes dans le monde de Naruto. Incroyablement fidèle à l'univers du dessin animé, le jeu permet aux joueurs de revivre l'histoire de Shippuden. Ultimate Ninja STORM 2 a été remasterisé en HD.
You've unlocked all achievements.
You've cleared the Prologue.
You've cleared Chapter One.
You've cleared Chapter Two.
You've cleared Chapter Three.
You've cleared Chapter Four.
You've cleared Chapter Five.
You've cleared Chapter Six.
You've cleared Final Chapter.
You've cleared Fragment.
You can now use members of Naruto's generation.
You can now use Kakashi, Yamato, Guy and Asuma.
You can now use Gaara, Kankuro, Temari and Chiyo.
You can now use Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru.
You can now use all members of the Akatsuki.
You can now use Sasuke, Suigetsu, Karin and Jugo.
You can now use Lars.
You can now use all characters.
You've acquired S Rank in "The Bell-Stealing Drill".
You've acquired S Rank in "Sand and Art Blast".
You've acquired S Rank in "Sakura Dances".
You've acquired S Rank in "Forbidden Fury".
You've acquired S Rank in "Showdown Between Best Friends".
You've acquired S Rank in "Sturm und Drang".
You've acquired S Rank in "The Two Uchiha".
You've acquired S Rank in "Battle Between the Sage God".
You've acquired S Rank in "Earth Shatter".
You've seen all secret factors.
You've retrieved all cursed dolls.
You've retrieved all Tonton's pearls.
You've cleared the 10 trials.
You've cleared all requests.
You've cleared all correspondence events.
You've seen friendship events for everyone.
You've cleared all events.
You've picked up over 500 items.
Saved up to 999999 Ryo.
You've saved up to 999999 Storm Points.
You've acquired all battle items.
You've collected all collection items.
Edited a Ninja Info Card.
You've acquired all Ninja Info Cards.
You've gained over 50 titles.
You've acquired all titles.
You've collected all messenger birds.
You've seen all memories.
Collected 100% of the stories.
Your total play time in Ultimate Adventure is over 30 hours.
You've won 1 time in online Ranked Match battles.
You've won 10 times in online Ranked Match battles.