Replongez dans vos souvenirs et retrouvez l'époque dorée de Nintendo Entertainment System avec une collection de hits et de trésors perdus Namco grâce à Namco Museum Archives Volume 2.
Cleared Stage 16 in Dig Dug 2.
Earned 7650 points by Artistic Bonus in Pac-Land.
Cleared Stage 19 in Galaga.
Cleared Stage 1 in Dragon Buster II.
Cleared Stage 1-8 in Mappy Land.
Cleared Stage 8 in Pac-Land.
Entered Dual Fighter Mode in Galaga.
Played all titles.
Earned the Special Flag in Dig Dug 2.
Cleared Rolling Thunder.
Cleared Stage 35 in Battle City.
Cleared HOUSE OF MOKO-MOKO 8Rounds in Mendel Palace.