Gérez votre propre studio de cinéma ! Engagez des talents, écrivez des scénarios et tournez le film de vos rêves, tout en tenant compte des caprices de vos fans et des critiques.
Distribute one movie
Distribute a high quality movie
Reach 1 million funds
Win a film festival
Distribute a sequel
Distribute a reboot
Distribute a movie in a cinematic universe
Unlock the second studio lot
Unlock the third studio lot
Create a movie streaming service
Survive in the showbiz for 10 years
Survive in the showbiz for 20 years
Survive in the showbiz for 30 years
Survive in the showbiz for 40 years
Receive the Lifetime Achievement Award
Reach 1 billion funds
Reach 1 trillion funds
Recover from bankruptcy
Buy out a competitor
Buy out all competitors
Discover a filming location
Build a movie set
Create a film prop
Upgrade an actor
Win the Industry Award
Win a competition between studios