Les créateurs de Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden vous proposent une jolie aventure tactique que vous n'êtes pas près d'oublier. Parcourez des terres désolées dans un monde post-apocalyptique ravagé par une force sauvage et inconnue, le «Miasma».
Successfully complete your first tactical encounter.
Collect the Miasma Vortex.
Recruit Jade.
Kill 20 Frog Monsters.
Collect 4 types of Miasma.
Collect all Miasma types.
Unlock all enemy codex entries.
Collect every treasure.
Complete the codex.
Complete all side quests.
Kill 20 Thievers.
Kill your first collector.
Kill 10 collectors.
Kill 10 Mimics.
Kill 20 Robots.
Complete the game in any difficulty.
Complete the game in 'Alpha Editor' difficulty.
Complete the game in 'Full Tactical' mode.
Complete the game on 'Alpha Editor' difficulty with 'Full Tactical' mode enabled.
Meet all of the Watchers.
Kill Matt Kain.
Win the Gauntlet.
Access the First Factory.
Reach Level 25.
Kill 20 Whisperer adults or saplings.
Silently kill 15 enemies.
Shrink, burn, and inflict acid damage to an enemy at the same time.
Kill 5 enemies with one action.
Push an enemy into a burning or acid area with a Knockback Grenade.
Kill a Mimic Shadow with the character that it is mimicking.
Kill 4 enemies with Overwatch in the same turn.
Kill an enemy with fall damage.
Kill 5 enemies with a single frag grenade.
Kill a Whisperer with a Sapling Grenade.
Kill 5 enemies with direct damage from a single shotgun blast.
Kill 5 enemies with an Assault Rifle without reloading.
Steal 250 plastic during a single combat encounter.