Machinika : Atlas est un jeu de puzzle indépendant et la suite directe de Machinika : Museum. Vous incarnez un chercheur de musée qui vient d'atterrir sur Atlas. Saurez-vous percer les mystères du vaisseau extraterrestre ? Résolvez des énigmes pour découvrir ce qui s'est passé !
Congratulations on launching the game!
You've finished the tutorial, the game begins!
Chapter 1 complete
Chapter 2 complete
Chapter 3 complete
Chapter 4 complete
Chapter 5 complete
Chapter 6 complete
Chapter 7 complete
Chapter 8 complete
We're delighted to have you on board!
Any hints? What for?
Finish the game in under 4 hours
Finish the game in under 3 hours
Well done! You've found all the letters!
Ouch... There must be something to do.
You haven't found any letters.
Careful, you'll hurt yourself!
Ease is a choice like any other.