looK INside - Chapter 1 Clé Steam

looK INside - Chapter 1

Dans un livre trouvé au grenier, Manon découvre le passé des membres de sa famille à travers leurs souvenirs, leurs gestes, leurs manies et leurs petits secrets.

Windows PC  Aventure / Arcade & Indie
6,99€ -10% 6,29€ Retour à la boutique

15 Succès Steam

Avid Reader
Avid Reader

You unlock every page in the book.

Complete genealogy
Complete genealogy

You finished Chapter 1

Green Screen
Green Screen

You pinned the original version of a photo.

Just a bit of poetry
Just a bit of poetry

You watered a plant in the living room.

DIY bouquet
DIY bouquet

You did a bouquet with what you had in the moment.

The Sun in the room
The Sun in the room

You enlighted the living room.

The flat globe
The flat globe

You scratch all the countries on the map.

Call from the past
Call from the past

You tried to call in the future.

Behind the wallpaper
Behind the wallpaper

You found traces of the past in the bedroom.

Always pretty
Always pretty

You don't really care for gardening outfits...


You've been quite clumsy.

Gen Y
Gen Y

You're a "digital-native".


You like when it's very very tidy.

Watering-dwarf frenzy
Watering-dwarf frenzy

You really had a go with the watering dwarf.


You found 3 pretty things to collect

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