Le monde des jeux et leurs éléments de gameplay restent inchangés tandis que les graphismes ont été améliorés. Des paramètres de difficulté ont également été ajoutés afin de rendre les jeux plus accessibles aux nouveaux venus. Savourez ce voyage nostalgique en jouant à cette nouvelle version amél...
Defeat Rongo Lango
Defeat Evil Seadoph & Evil Pamela
Defeat Gelg Bolm
Defeat Baladium
Defeat Joka
Defeat Ghadius
Defeat Nahatomb
Complete the EXTRA VISION
Free all residents of Wind Village
Free all residents of Forlock
Free all residents of Jugpot
Free all Residents of Coronia
Free all residents of Cress
Free all residents in Phantomile
Defeat Folgaran the Armor Beast
Defeat Leptio the Flower Clown
Defeat Mobile Tank Biskarsh
Defeat Polonte the Hatchling
Defeat Cursed Leorina
Defeat the King of Sorrow
Complete the Chamber o'Fun
Complete the Chamber o'Horrors
Collect 6 Momett Dolls
Collect all Momett Dolls
Unlock all Achievements