Plongez directement dans votre carrière en tant que propriétaire du plus récent magasin de la ville. Achetez et vendez les bons articles. Construisez et concevez votre espace de magasin. Gérez votre personnel et prenez bien soin de vos clients. Planifiez le plan marketing parfait et devenez le
SimulationStart a Single Store game
Start a Campaign game
Have 200K on the bank
Have 1M on the bank
Have 5M on the bank
Have 10M on the bank
Make your first sale
Have a 1000 satisfied customers
Have over 1500 articles in storage at the end of the day
Hire your first employee
Hire 20 employees
Hire 100 employees
Capture a thief
Get robbed
Send a staff member on a course
Fire a staff member
Finish your first contract
Finish Armina contract sequence
Finish Electronic Bee contract sequence
Get your first headquarters
Create a concept for your corporation
Have 5 concepts at the same time
Get property for you first store
Promote an employee to manager
Hire your first headquarter manager
Earn the "Workplace Of The Month Award" trophy
Earn the "Customer Satisfaction Award" trophy
Earn the "People's Choice Award" trophy
Earn the "Outstanding Corporation Award" trophy
Play campaign mode for 365 days
Create an advertisement
Create and place a custom designed poster
Complete all college courses
Ask Morten Mousepad for money