Loup Solitaire est de retour, dans un jeu vidéo et avec une toute nouvelle intrigue, un nouveau système de combat, des graphismes époustouflants et bien plus !
You have freed Merok
You have left Merok locked up in his cell
You have won the battle of the Foundry
You have won the battle of the Warehouse
You have left Rockstarn with Leandra
You have taken the elevator alone
You have completed the first Chapter of Act 1
You have completed the second Chapter of Act 1
You have completed Act 1
You have unlocked all Act 1 codex entries
You have completely upgraded a weapon
You have completely upgraded the Kai Armour
You have made 25 Reckless choices
You have made 25 Calculating choices
You have made 25 Skillful choices
You have made 40 Kai choices
You have successfully performed 50 parry and riposte moves
You have killed 100 Giaks
You have survived a fight with fewer than 150 Health Points
You have killed 2 enemies with the Sommerswerd in a single fight
You have killed 50 Drakkarim
You have adopted the defensive stance 60 times
You have successfully performed the full Combined Attack 150 times
You have unlocked the Sword Mastery bonus
You have unlocked the Axe Mastery bonus
You have unlocked the Mace Mastery bonus
You have completed Act 1 without ever selecting the easy difficulty level
You have killed 30 Gourgaz
You have completed the first Chapter of Act 2
You have completed the second Chapter of Act 2
You have completed Act 2
You have completed Act 2 without ever selecting the easy difficulty level
You have unlocked all Act 2 codex entries
You have cooperated with Merok
You buried the corpses of the outlaws
You crossed the Chasm passing through the bridge
You decided to cross the Chasm passing through the Drakkarim Camp
You have explored all the areas you could see from the top of the monumental oak
You have killed 15 Vordaks
You have mastered all the techniques of the Sommerswerd
You have completed the first Chapter of Act 3
You have completed the second Chapter of Act 3
You have completed Act 3
You have completed Act 3 without ever selecting the easy difficulty level
You have unlocked all Act 3 codex entries
You did not surrender to your pride
You trusted Ceratar and saved him
You gave the Shianti Spirit a chance to reedem itself
You have recovered all the ancient Shianti artifacts
Your distrust sealed Ceratar's fate
You refused the help of the Shianti Spirit and left it in its prison
You have killed 15 Doomwolves
You have completed the first Chapter of Act 4
You have completed the second Chapter of Act 4
You have completed Act 4
You have completed Act 4 without ever selecting the easy difficulty level
You have unlocked all Act 4 codex entries
You have completed all the side quests of Act 4
You have disposed of the prisoner yourself