PC / Mac / Linux

Jetboard Joust Clé Steam

Jetboard Joust

Un croisement entre un shoot ’em up d’arcade et un roguelike moderne ! Montez sur un jetboard aussi mortel que stylé et pourfendez le ciel en atomisant les envahisseurs extra-terrestres. Affrontez des boss immenses sur plusieurs niveaux. Un jeu d’arcade classique pour la nouvelle génération!

Windows PCApple MacLinux  Action / Arcade & Indie
9,49€ -10% 8,54€ Retour à la boutique

100 Succès Steam


defeat all enemies in a level


complete a level with a 100% survival rate

grim reaper
grim reaper

get a combo of five or more


get a combo of ten or more

board to death
board to death

defeat 12 enemies in one jetboard attack


retrieve cash from a lost jetsuit


save a baby from abduction

money bags
money bags

have 10,000 coins in the bank

treasure hunter
treasure hunter

unlock a treasure chamber

pest control
pest control

defeat the 'stinger' boss

fish supper
fish supper

defeat the 'snapper' boss


defeat the 'spinner' boss

early bird
early bird

defeat the 'squirmer' boss

sucker punch
sucker punch

defeat the 'grappler' boss

buzz kill
buzz kill

defeat the 'stinger' boss in under 75s

flash fried
flash fried

defeat the 'snapper' boss in under 150s

sushi to go
sushi to go

defeat the 'grappler' in under 260s

buzz off
buzz off

beat the 'stinger' with your default weapon

fish in a barrel
fish in a barrel

beat the 'snapper' with your default weapon

itsy bitsy
itsy bitsy

beat the 'spinner' with your default weapon

conquer the worm
conquer the worm

beat the 'squirmer' with your default weapon

disappearing ink
disappearing ink

beat the 'grappler' with your default weapon

bulletproof level 1
bulletproof level 1

get a x500 killstreak

bulletproof level 2
bulletproof level 2

get a x1000 killstreak

bulletproof level 3
bulletproof level 3

get a x2000 killstreak

bulletproof level 4
bulletproof level 4

get a x3000 killstreak

speed-freak level 1
speed-freak level 1

complete a level in stinger's world under 140s

speed-freak level 2
speed-freak level 2

complete a level in snapper's world under 140s

speed-freak level 3
speed-freak level 3

complete a level in spinner's world under 180s

speed-freak level 4
speed-freak level 4

complete a level in squirmer's world under 210s

speed-freak level 5
speed-freak level 5

complete a level in grappler's world under 260s

shotgun maestro
shotgun maestro

get 500 kills with the shotgun

gatling maestro
gatling maestro

get 500 kills with the gatling gun

uzi9mm maestro
uzi9mm maestro

get 500 kills with the uzi9mm

jetboard prodigy
jetboard prodigy

get 50 kills with the jetboard

jetboard maestro
jetboard maestro

get 500 kills with the jetboard

flamethrower maestro
flamethrower maestro

get 500 kills with the flamethrower

grenade maestro
grenade maestro

get 500 kills with the grenade launcher

r.p.g. maestro
r.p.g. maestro

get 500 kills with the r.p.g.

plasma maestro
plasma maestro

get 500 kills with the plasma rifle

pulse maestro
pulse maestro

get 500 kills with the pulse cannon

particle maestro
particle maestro

get 500 kills with the particle storm

gamma ray maestro
gamma ray maestro

get 500 kills with the gamma ray

sonic boom maestro
sonic boom maestro

get 500 kills with the sonic boom

shredder maestro
shredder maestro

get 500 kills with the shredder

antimatter maestro
antimatter maestro

get 500 kills with the antimatter gun

limpet min maestro
limpet min maestro

get 500 kills with the limpet mine

gravity maestro
gravity maestro

get 500 kills with the gravity hammer

cluster maestro
cluster maestro

get 500 kills with the cluster bomb

laser maestro
laser maestro

get 500 kills with the laser rifle

repeater maestro
repeater maestro

get 500 kills with the pulse repeater

mutator maestro
mutator maestro

get 500 kills with the phase mutator

splitter maestro
splitter maestro

get 500 kills with the ion splitter

trooper scooper
trooper scooper

defeat 25 'trooper' enemies

darth raider
darth raider

defeat 50 'raider' enemies

flanker spanker
flanker spanker

defeat 50 'flanker' enemies

table turner
table turner

defeat 10 'executioner' enemies

minder grinder
minder grinder

defeat 10 'minder' enemies

nipper clipper
nipper clipper

defeat 10 'nipper' enemies

commander conqueror
commander conqueror

defeat 25 'commander' enemies

light brigade
light brigade

defeat 25 'brigadier' enemies

brawler mauler
brawler mauler

defeat 10 'brawler' enemies

aggressor suppressor
aggressor suppressor

defeat 10 'aggressor' enemies

armed robbery
armed robbery

defeat 10 'enforcer' enemies

smasher basher
smasher basher

defeat 100 'smasher' enemies

bomb's away
bomb's away

defeat 50 'bomber' enemies

invader raider
invader raider

defeat 100 'invader' enemies

blind justice
blind justice

defeat 25 'watcher' enemies

fly swatter
fly swatter

defeat 100 'buzzer' enemies

birth control
birth control

defeat 10 'carrier' enemies

squid salad
squid salad

defeat 25 'diver' enemies


defeat 50 'swooper' enemies

split personality
split personality

defeat 100 'splitter' enemies

snatcher despatcher
snatcher despatcher

defeat 25 'snatcher' enemies

jeepers creepers
jeepers creepers

defeat 100 'creeper' enemies

crawler mauler
crawler mauler

defeat 10 'crawler' enemies

thumper bumper
thumper bumper

defeat 50 'thumper' enemies

well trashed
well trashed

defeat 100 'bezerker' enemies

swept up
swept up

defeat 100 'sweeper' enemies

wing man
wing man

defeat 100 'winger' enemies

pea shooter
pea shooter

get 50 kills with the pistol

quick draw
quick draw

get 500 kills with the pistol

make my day
make my day

get 500 kills with the magnum 45

deagle master
deagle master

get 500 kills with the desert eagle

phaser master
phaser master

get 500 kills with the phaser

blaster master
blaster master

get 500 kills with the blaster

tornado master
tornado master

get 500 kills with the flame tornado

master poisoner
master poisoner

get 500 kills with the poison pump

rotovator master
rotovator master

get 500 kills with the rotovator

sniper master
sniper master

get 500 kills with the sniper rifle

lightning master
lightning master

get 500 kills with the lightning bolt


have 50k coins in the bank

wriggle on
wriggle on

defeat the 'squirmer' boss in under 210s

quick spin
quick spin

defeat the 'spinner' boss in under 180s

bruiser abuser
bruiser abuser

defeat 10 'bruiser' enemies

master blaster
master blaster

complete the game in one playthrough

complete badass
complete badass

complete the game in one playthrough using only the default weapons

high achiever
high achiever

complete every achievement

spit 'n' polish
spit 'n' polish

defeat 10 'spitter' enemies

mission impossible
mission impossible

complete the game using only default weapons and without losing a life

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  • Classements Steam